4 Reasons for Homeschooled Families to Consider a Baptist University for College

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Education: A Path Forward

Think about where you are in life, and then think about where you want to be. Chances are, you will need some education to get there. A college or university is the ideal place to get that education. You can choose from a huge selection of majors, ranging from engineering to accounting. Whether you're passionate about science, math, English, or art, you can find something you will enjoy studying. Attending college is also an amazing social experience. We love the opportunities offered by college, both from a social and an educational perspective. We share that passion here with our educational content.


4 Reasons for Homeschooled Families to Consider a Baptist University for College

9 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Choosing a college is hard for any family, but it is especially difficult for Christian homeschooled families. They do not want to put their child in a situation where they can be led astray and turned away from their faith. However, they also want a solid educational experience for their child. Here's why a Baptist university is a good fit.

1. Similar beliefs

College is often a test of one's faith. There are many temptations that can lead a young person in the wrong direction. From hazing rituals to a liberal agenda, traditional state colleges are not designed for students of faith. Attending a Christian university, on the other hand, allows your child to be with other students that hold similar beliefs and goals in life. When all the students have the same values, it is easier for your child to focus on what is important -- their studies and their faith. 

2. Grow faith

Being surrounded by other students with like-minded views allows your child to grow in their faith. It reinforces the values that you have spent so many years instilling and helps them to grow into their faith as they also grow into adulthood. Furthermore, many of the friends acquired in college remain lifelong friends. Having a solid group of friends that share your faith, principles, and moral standards is important because they can support you in times of trouble and grow with you in your faith.

3. Opportunities for mission work

When attending a Baptist university or any Christian private university, there is often the opportunity to serve on missions that would simply not exist at traditional, four-year state colleges. Giving back to the church and representing your faith to the world through witnessing and mission work is essential to your growth as a Christian. Mission work allows your child to understand the big picture and their place in the world while performing God's work around the globe.

4. Worldview

Many families homeschool their children to ensure that classes are taught from a Christian worldview. Attending a Baptist university allows your family to continue that methodology through the college years. A private baptist university holds the same beliefs as your family and teaches from the same Christian viewpoint as you. While you raised your child to uphold certain beliefs and are confident in their faith, it can be frustrating when they are forced to study information that is counter to your family's beliefs and values.

Choosing a college is an important decision that affects the rest of your life. Choose a Baptist university and help your child succeed in life while supporting their faith.