About Me
Education: A Path Forward

Think about where you are in life, and then think about where you want to be. Chances are, you will need some education to get there. A college or university is the ideal place to get that education. You can choose from a huge selection of majors, ranging from engineering to accounting. Whether you're passionate about science, math, English, or art, you can find something you will enjoy studying. Attending college is also an amazing social experience. We love the opportunities offered by college, both from a social and an educational perspective. We share that passion here with our educational content.


3 Tips For Navigating The Certification Process For Veteran Education Benefits

27 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Veterans who have served the country in the armed forces are often entitled to receive financial assistance to further their education after being discharged. The process of applying for and receiving these benefits is known as certification. It's important that you fully understand the certification process so that you can navigate this process successfully when enrolling in classes in the future. 1. Develop Relationships With Financial Aid Advisors Many colleges and universities employ full-time financial aid advisors dedicated to working with veterans. Read More …

4 Benefits Of Using A College Consultant

15 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

A college consultant is a professional who helps students get accepted into a college they wish to attend. If you are going to be applying for colleges soon, you may want to think about working with one of these consultants. Getting accepted into a good college is important, and this professional can help you get one step closer. Here are a few benefits of using a college consulting service. Help You Apply to the Right Colleges Read More …